Saturday, August 11, 2007

Det skakkeværralett.

Vyrde Lesar.

I Sarpsborg tar man fylla alvorlig, ihvertfall den i Mysen.

Statssekretær Rikke Lind var sommervikar for næringsminister Dag Terje Andersen. Er det lov eller er det ikke lov?

Fra wikipedia :

Statssekretær er et politisk lønnet verv i en rekke land, bl.a. Norge, Sverige og Tyskland. En statssekretær er rangert umiddelbart etter statsråden i vedkommende departement, og fungerer i realiteten som vise-statsråd i det daglige arbeidet når det gjelder behandling av politiske saker. Ofte vil statsråden og en eller flere statssekretærer seg imellom dele de områdene departementet har ansvar for, og statsekretæren vil kunne uttale seg offentlig om politiske saker, men statsråden er politisk ansvarlig for alt.

En statsekretær har ingen formell rolle som del av regjeringen, møter aldri i statsrådet på Slottet og fungerer aldri som formell vikar i statsrådens fravær. Dersom en statsråd er forhindret fra å skjøtte embedet på grunn av fravær eller inhabilitet, oppnevnes en sette-statsråd blant de andre statsrådene for en periode, eller for behandling av den aktuelle saken.

Det skakke værra lett :

Plastic Bags

At issue in the green-labeling debate, then, is not simply determining whether a product is green, but which product is greener than another. The need for a clear hierarchy of green is apparent in the current policy debate over the use of disposable plastic bags. This past spring, the city of San Francisco banned the use of disposable plastic bags in grocery stores and drug stores, becoming the first U.S. city to do so. The measure followed restriction or outright bans on the bags in Ireland, Bangladesh, France and Uganda.

As more and more U.S. cities follow San Francisco's lead, a likely unintended effect of the bans will be an increase in the demand for paper bags. This poses a problem for environmentalists, who oppose the use of disposable plastic bags because of the litter they cause, but also oppose the use of paper bags, whose production they say requires more energy and creates more water pollution than producing plastic bags -- not to mention that paper bags use virgin tree fibers.

Some groups, then, are beginning to promote the message that the only true environmentally friendly bag is a reusable cloth bag, which national retail chains are beginning to offer. However, even cloth bags pose environmental risks because of pesticide use on the cotton fiber and toxic chemicals in ink. Then there is always the possibility that the bag has been made in a sweatshop.

The sustainable consumption movement is attempting to resolve this major ideological debate by arguing that the problem is best solved not by wrangling over which bag is best, but by changing society's throw-away mentality. While this approach might succeed in the long run, it avoids some consumers' immediate concern over which bag they should choose. On the other hand, businesses see the bans on plastic bags not as a wider disposal issue but as a narrower issue: finding a plastic bag replacement.

Eller ...........

Roger Larsen


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