Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tilogmed SA ser at Sarpsborgskulane slit, NSB fra tog til vei. Og Hyperacusis.

Vyrde Lesar.

I Sarpsborg har tilogmed SA fått med seg at sarpsborgelever ikke har godt av å være i brakkeskoler. Men Inge Vinje, høgskulerektor, meinar at målingane som setter Sarp nederst, ikkje er rette, for målingane måler ikkje alt. Eg måle .. kven skule er då på bunni? Vinje seier at skulemålingane kun måler (og no kjem det stygge ordet) FAGKUNNSKAP, dei måler FAGKUNNSKAP, dei skulle sjølvsagt ha målt noko heilt anna! Kor høye elevane er og kor tunge dei er, men kun veg øyemål, for eksakte målingar, er noko toill. Ellers så er SAspaltene fyllt opp av politisk pisspreik, gopla saman av politiske leiarar på donkle bakrom, og presentert som geniale lesarinnlegg av utkalla politiske idiotar. Heillt som før.

NSB er nå så ofte forsinket at de mister godstransport. Man regner med 100 000 flere vogntog på veiene da både NSB sjøl og andre transtortører vurderer jernbanen for dårlig.

Det krangles om Grubbegata i stortingskvartalet. Om sikring, men krangelen er nytteløs, hadde Grubbegata vært stengt, så hadde den feige terroristen valgt et annet mål, kanskje slottet? Kanskje Blindern, kanskje Sentralbanesituasjonen i rushtiden, kanskje Gardemoen, kanskje .... det er desverre ikke mulig å stanse all terror uten å stenge ned hele samfunnet. Det var befriende med partilederdebatten i går, hverdagen er tilbake, vi er merket, men vi stod støtt i stormkastene. Jeg så vel på debatten i 25 minutter, så gadd jeg ikke mer, hverdagen er altså tilbake.

What is Hyperacusis?

Imagine being at a movie where the sound track is turned to the highest volume. Actors' voices are screaming at you. After five minutes, you leave holding your ears and cursing the theater for its poor judgment. Turning newspaper pages, running water in the kitchen sink, your child placing dishes and silverware on the table - all are intolerable to your ears. A baby cries or a truck screeches its brakes to a halt and the sound is excruciating. What has happened to my ears?

The person who has hyperacusis can't simply get up and walk away from noise. Instead, the volume on the whole world seems stuck on high. Hyperacusis is defined as a collapsed tolerance to normal environmental sounds. Ears also lose most of their dynamic range. What is dynamic range?

Dynamic range is the ability of the ear to deal with quick shifts in sound loudness. Suddenly everyday noises sound unbearably or painfully loud. The disorder is often chronic and usually accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in the ears), but can occur in patients who have little or no measurable hearing loss.

Hyperacusis differs from recruitment, which is an abnormal growth in the perception of loudness accompanied with hearing loss. With recruitment, loud noises are uncomfortable. With hyperacusis, all sounds are too loud.

Most patients also experience inner ear pain or a feeling of fullness (pressure) in the ears. This pressure in the ears can best be described as the feeling one normally gets when descending in an airplane. Hyperacusis can be devastating to the patient's career, relationships, and peace of mind. Finding the proper diagnosis is difficult because few doctors understand hyperacusis.


Hyperacusis makes living in this noisy world difficult and dramatically changes the patient's pattern of life. Moving about, traveling, and communicating with others is challenging. Ear protection must be worn in areas that seem too loud. This includes earplugs, industrial earmuffs or both if necessary.

Even then, many vocational and recreational activities must be curtailed or eliminated because, although protection reduces the noise entering the ears, it sometimes seems insufficient to block out certain frequencies or noise intensities. The things most of us take for granted, such as driving a car, walking down the street, riding a bicycle, listening to the TV, stereo, someone speaking over a telephone or microphone, shopping, attending indoor events, dining at restaurants, taking vacations, or participating in group activities often are difficult or impossible. Many have difficulty using a vacuum cleaner, a hammer, a lawn mower, power tools, ride a motor boat or motorcycle.

Most jobs involve some level of noise. In some cases, the patient may need to seek other employment or attempt to secure disability with the help of an understanding doctor. Loud noise exposure generally makes the condition worse and exacerbates the accompanying tinnitus. Patients report they perceive sound - even their own voice - as uncomfortably loud and this not only causes tinnitus to increase but may also cause inner ear discomfort or a popping reflex in the ear. In fact some patients actually try to change the pitch of their own voice to accomodate their ears. This may help their ears but a patient can become hoarse in the process.

In cases not involving aural trauma to the inner ear, hyperacusis can also be acquired as a result of damage to the brain or the neurological system. In these cases, hyperacusis can be defined as a cerebral processing problem specific to how the brain perceives sound. In rare cases, hyperacusis may be caused by a vestibular disorder. This type of hyperacusis, called vestibular hyperacusis, is caused by the brain perceiving certain sounds as motion input as well as auditory input. In some cases, vestibular hyperacusis can affect the autonomic system and cause problems such as loss of consciousness, mental confusion, nausea, or extreme fatigue.

This is a helpful pdf. to help explain hyperacusis further:


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